Men Show Courage – MOT’s stance against GBV by empowering young men

men show courage event

We live in a world where Gender Based Violence (GBV) continues to fester and plague our communities,it is of utmost importance for us to root out and take proactive measures to combat this issue.

Starting on the 20th of September MOT hosted their ‘Men Show Courage’ a 2 day event at the West Coast TVET College, Malmesbury Campus and at the Mbekweni Youth Centre in Paarl to over 100 youth males. The event was facilitated by a diverse cast of characters which included MOT staff, facilitators from Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children as well as Father A Nation, which included GBV survivors who brought together their experiences and insights to educate, empower and inspire young men about the responsibilities they have and how to combat GBV.

The Facilitators and their stories

Our remarkable group of facilitators from Saartjie Baartman Centre and Father a Nature guided the participants through a journey detailing the facts and gave their insights and wisdom which ignited a spark within the young men.

The powerful stories shared were a testament to the strength, courage as well as resilience of those who have unfortunately had to go through these adversities and served as a reminder that GBV affects real people with real lives and that their voices deserve to be heard.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Marc Naidoo, shed light on the significance of our own stories and how they can empower others. He emphasised that our own personal narratives can be used as instruments for change encouraging participants to reflect on their own and use them to positively impact those around them.

Feedback from the male guests

Throughout the two days, participants engaged in meaningful group discussions and shared their perspectives on GBV.

One group exclaimed the importance of not hesitating to do what’s right, advocating for self-education and surrounding oneself with positive inspiring and supportive individuals.

Another highlighted the role men have in tackling GBV and the importance of Father’s or father like figures engaging with youths.

A third group called for active participation by men in discussions about GBV and urged them to explore paths for progress in the fight against it.

To add on, a group delved into the causes of GBV, pointing out that it stems from men abusing their power and authority, a belief perpetuated by a flawed society.

And lastly, a fifth group suggested that some men’s opposition to GBV could be linked to their upbringing and having a loving family or positive father figures, highlighting the role of family dynamics in shaping their attitudes.

In conclusion the campaign held a West Coast TVET College and the Mbekweni Youth Centre was a powerful and much needed step towards addressing GBV.

By inspiring young men, sharing personal stories and having deep dialogues, this event aimed to create a generation of men who actively stand against GBV.

With their newfound knowledge these men are better equipped to challenge these issues and contribute to a warmer and safer society.

This campaign is a reminder that change is possible when individuals come together with a shared purpose and commitment to make a difference. 

Here’s to having the Courage to Say No to GBV!

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